Title: Shark Tank: Greed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley Kumble, One of America's Largest Law Firms, Author: Kim Isaac Eisler
Title: Commanding the Red Army's Sherman Tanks: The World War II Memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitriy Loza, Author: Dmitriy Loza
Title: The Eyes of Orion: Five Tank Lieutenants in the Persian Gulf War, Author: Alex Vernon
Title: The Forgotten Soldier, Author: Guy Sajer
Title: A Colonel in the Armored Divisions: A Memoir, 1941-1945, Author: William S. Triplet
Hardcover $42.53 $45.00 Current price is $42.53, Original price is $45.00.
Title: Panzertruppen, Author: Francois de Lannoy
Title: Heavy Metal: A Tank Company's Battle to Baghdad, Author: Temp Man
Title: Panzer Operations: Germany's Panzer Group 3 During the Invasion of Russia, 1941, Author: Hermann Hoth
Title: Tanks in Hell: A Marine Corps Tank Company on Tarawa, Author: Oscar E. Gilbert
Title: The Thomas the Tank Engine Man: The Life of Reverend W. Awdry, Author: Brian Sibley
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Title: The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich, Author: Daniel P. Bolger