Title: Cookie Johnson, Author: Tank Gunner
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Title: Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank Collection 1, Author: Alan Martin
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Title: Where Heroes Trained, Author: Roger M. Baty
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Title: Guderian: Panzer Pioneer or Myth Maker, Author: Russell Hart
Title: Tiger Tank Battalions in World War II, Author: George Forty
Title: Trainloads of Fun (Thomas and Friends), Author: Golden Books
Title: The Close Shave (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Series), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
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Title: Shark Tank Secrets to Success: How to Propel Your Business from the Tank to the Bank, Author: Michael Parrish DuDell
Title: Tank Girl: Apocalypse (Remastered Edition), Author: Alan Grant
Title: Thomas and the Naughty Diesel (Thomas & Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Your Loyal and Loving Son: The Letters of Tank Gunner Karl Fuchs, 1933-1941, Author: Horst Fuchs Richardson
Title: The African Clawed Frog or Clawed Toad. The Complete Owner's Guide. All you need to know including aquatic frog facts, tank, food, care, breeding, lifespan, diseases., Author: Hathai Ross
Title: By Tank: D to VE Days, Author: Ken Tout
Title: Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938 - 1960, Author: Dick Taylor
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Title: Battles with Panzers: Monty's tank battalions 1 RTR & 2 RTR at war, Author: Patrick Delaforce
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Title: Five Tank Engine Tales (Thomas & Friends), Author: Random House
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