Title: Which Fish Tank, Author: George Butler
Title: With the Tanks 1916-1918: Memoirs of a British Tank Commander in the Great War, Author: W.H.L Watson
eBook $11.49 $15.99 Current price is $11.49, Original price is $15.99.
Title: World War I and II Tanks: An illustrated A-Z directory of tanks, AFVs, tank destroyers, command versions and specialized tanks from 1916-45, Author: George Forty
Title: World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics, Author: Gordon L. Rottman
Title: World War II Japanese Tank Tactics, Author: Gordon L. Rottman
Title: World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics, Author: Gordon L. Rottman
Title: XHarperism: How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada, Author: Donald XGutstein
Title: Your Loyal and Loving Son: The Letters of Tank Gunner Karl Fuchs, 1933-1941, Author: Horst Fuchs Richardson

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