Title: Joe Strong the Boy Fish or Marvelous Doings in a Big Tank, Author: Vance Barnum
Title: Tom Swift and His War Tank, Author: Victor Appleton
Title: Painting the Tank and other stories, Author: Stone de Rouffignac
Title: Tom Swift and His War Tank, or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Sam, Author: Victor Appleton
Title: Joe Strong, the Boy Fish or Marvelous Doings in a Big Tank, Author: Vance Barnum
Title: Book of Biff #4 Squid Tank, Author: Chris Hallbeck
#4 in Series
Title: Hank and His Tank, Author: Rob Bennett
Title: FISH TANK: A Fable for Our Times, Author: Scott Bischke
Title: FISH TANK (with Discussion Guide): A Fable for Our Times, Author: Scott Bischke
Title: Think Tank, Volume 3, Author: Matt Hawkins
Title: Think Tank, Volume 2, Author: Matt Hawkins
Title: The Adventures of Tank and Pudge: Book 1 The Carnival, Author: Fernando Caida Greco