Title: Blue Train, Green Train (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Series), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Thomas and Friends: Estrella Sobre Vias
Title: Cutthroats: The Adventures of a Sherman Tank Driver in the Pacific, Author: Robert Dick
Title: T-34 in Action, Author: Artem Drabkin
Title: The Encyclopedia of Modern Armor: Anti-Tank Weapons
Title: In the Cockpit: Spectacular Air Combat Action - Target Tank
Title: My Tank Is Fight!, Author: Zack Parsons
Title: Guderian: Panzer Pioneer or Myth Maker?, Author: Russell Hart
Title: The Encyclopedia of Modern Armor: The Medium Tank
Title: Thomas the Tank Engine Make Your Own Little Golden Book, Author: Golden Books
Title: The Encyclopedia of Modern Armor: The Light Tank
Title: Thomas Find That Freight, Author: Publications International Staff
Title: Sociologie des religions, Author: Olivier Bobineau
Title: Thomas & Friends: Thomas' Halloween Adventures
Title: Thomas and the Hide and Seek Animals, Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Modern Land Warfare: Battle Tank
Title: Death Traps: The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II, Author: Belton Y. Cooper
Title: Thomas and Friends: Percy Takes the Plunge
Title: Tank Girl Armadillo!, Author: Alan C Martin
Title: Thomas and Friends: Trains, Cranes and Troublesome Trucks (Thomas & Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry

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