Title: Once a Marine: An Iraq War Tank Commander's Inspirational Memoir of Combat, Courage, and Recovery, Author: Nick Popaditch
Title: Warrior's Rage: The Great Tank Battle of 73 Easting, Author: Douglas Macgregor
Paperback $15.97 $19.95 Current price is $15.97, Original price is $19.95.
Title: Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, Author: Oscar E. Gilbert
eBook $12.99 $20.99 Current price is $12.99, Original price is $20.99.
Title: Heavy Metal: A Tank Company's Battle to Baghdad, Author: Temp Man
Title: Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, Author: Oscar E. Gilbert
Title: The Eyes of Orion: Five Tank Lieutenants in the Persian Gulf War, Author: Alex Vernon