Title: Rolling on the Rails (Thomas and Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Trains, Cranes & Troublesome Trucks (Thomas & Friends), Author: Golden Books
Title: Good Night, Thomas (Thomas & Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Percy's Promise (Thomas & Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Thomas and Gordon (Thomas & Friends), Author: Random House
Title: Fast Train, Slow Train (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Series), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Slide and Seek! (Thomas and Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: My Thomas Potty Book (Thomas & Friends), Author: Random House
Title: James the Red Engine, Author: Rev. W. Awdry
Title: Thomas and the Great Race (Thomas & Friends), Author: Rev. W. Awdry