Title: Thomas and Friends: 60th Anniversary 3 Pack [3 Discs]
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Title: History of Tank Warfare: From World War I to the Present Day, Author: Stephen Hart
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Title: Tank Combat of the Twentieth Century: The Illustrated History of the Tank at War 1914-2000, Author: Christer Jorgensen
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Title: German Tanks of World War Two in Action, Author: George Forty
Title: Chariots of Fire: Tanks and Tank Crews, Author: Philip Kaplan
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Title: Red Army Tank Commander: At War in a T-34 on the Eastern Front, Author: Vasiliy Bryukhov
Title: British Tank Production and the War Economy, 1934-1945, Author: Benjamin Coombs
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Title: Great War Tank: 1915-1945 (all models), Author: David Fletcher
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Title: The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich, Author: Daniel P. Bolger
Title: The History of the Panzerwaffe: Volume I: 1939-42, Author: Thomas Anderson
Title: The Combat History of German Heavy Anti-Tank Unit 653: in World War II, Author: Karlheinz Munch
Title: Fallen Giants: The Combat Debut of the T-35A Tank, Author: Insert Energy

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