Title: Metal Earth - WWII Tank Set
Title: M19-M20 Tank Transporter Detail In Action - Hardcover, Author: David Doyle
Title: Metal Earth - WWII Tank Set (3 in 1), Author: Fascinations
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Title: Panzers East and West: The German 10th SS Panzer Division from the Eastern Front to Normandy, Author: Steven Seidenman
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Title: The Thomas the Tank Engine Man: The Life of Reverend W. Awdry, Author: Brian Sibley
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Title: Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943-1945: Red Steamroller, Author: Robert Forczyk
Title: The Boilermaker's Assistant in Drawing, Templating, and Calculating Boiler Work and Tank Work: With Rules for the Evaporative Power and the Horse Power of Steam Boilers, and the Proportions of Safety-Valves; and Useful Tables of Rivet Joints, of Circles,, Author: John Courtney
Title: Tank Killers: A History of America's World War II Tank Destroyer Force, Author: Harry  Yeide
Title: Tiger I: German Army Heavy Tank, Southern Front, North Africa, Sicily and Italy, 1942-1945, Author: Dennis Oliver
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Title: Shark Tank, Author: Tom O'Neill
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Spearhead: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II
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Spearhead : An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II
by Adam Makos
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Title: The Black Panthers: A Story of Race, War, and Courage--the 761st Tank Battalion in World War II, Author: Gina M. DiNicolo
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Title: Dunk-Tank Frank, Author: Anders Hanson
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