Title: I Bring the Fire Parts I, II, III, & In the Balance (A Loki Series), Author: C. Gockel
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Title: The Fire Series (Omnibus Edition), Author: Anita Mills
Title: Warriors: I Bring the Fire Part V, Author: C. Gockel
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Title: Chaos: I Bring the Fire Part III (A Loki Story), Author: C. Gockel
Title: Fuel to the Fire, Author: David Staniforth
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Title: In the Balance: An I Bring the Fire Novella (A Loki Story), Author: C. Gockel
Title: Monsters: I Bring the Fire Part II (A Loki Story), Author: C. Gockel
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Title: The Slip, Author: C. Gockel
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Title: Fates: I Bring the Fire Part IV, Author: C. Gockel
Title: I Bring the Fire Part I : Wolves (A Loki Series), Author: C. Gockel
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Title: Batman/Deathblow: After the Fire #1 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Brian Azzarello
Title: Batman/Deathblow: After the Fire #2 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Brian Azzarello
Title: Batman/Deathblow: After the Fire #3 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Brian Azzarello
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Title: The Moon Child, Author: Cate Cain
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Title: Into the Fire, Author: Denise Bartlett
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The Obsidian Palace: Book Three
by Benjamin Medrano
Narrated by  Kim Trainor
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Title: After theFire, Author: Tom Waltz
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Title: The Smoke And The Flame, Author: Shirley McCoy
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The Avatar's Flames: Through the Fire, Book 1
by Benjamin Medrano
Narrated by  Kim Trainor
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