Title: The Golden Age of the Garden: A Miscellany, Author: Claire Cock-Starkey
Title: History Afield: Stories from the Golden Age of Wisconsin Sporting Life, Author: Robert C Willging
Title: That Old Black Magic: Louis Prima, Keely Smith, and the Golden Age of Las Vegas, Author: Tom Clavin
Title: Cuba Style: Graphics from the Golden Age of Design, Author: Steven Heller
Title: Arab Science and Invention in the Golden Age, Author: Anne Blanchard
Title: The Golden Age: Manuscript Painting at the Time of Jean, Duke of Berry, Author: Marcel Thomas
Title: Thank You for Shopping: The Golden Age of Minnesota Department Stores, Author: Kristal Leebrick
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Title: The Steamer: Bud Furillo and the Golden Age of L.A. Sports, Author: Andy Furillo
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Title: Bodies from the Library: Lost Classic Stories by Masters of the Golden Age, Author: Agatha Christie
Title: Still Lifes of the Golden Age: Northern European Paintings from the Heinz Family Collection, Author: Ingvar Bergstrom
Title: The Golden Age of College Tennis: A Coach's Unique Influence on the Game, Author: George Toley
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Title: Inside the Jewish Bakery: Recipes and Memories from the Golden Age of Jewish Baking, Author: In Tua Nua
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Title: Vintage Skiing: Nostalgic Images from the Golden Age of Skiing, Author: Ray Atkeson
Title: The Husky Hitman: The Life and Times of a Linebacker in the Golden Age of Husky Football, Author: Derek Johnson
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Title: Mezcal and Tequila Cocktails: Mixed Drinks for the Golden Age of Agave [A Cocktail Recipe Book], Author: Robert Simonson
Title: The Illustrated History of Knights and the Golden Age of Chivalry: A Magnificent Account of the Medieval Knight and the Chivalric Code, with over 450 images of their quests, battles, tournaments, triumphs, courts and castles, Author: Charles Phillips