Title: The Golden Age of Boston Television, Author: Terry Ann Knopf
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Title: The Golden Age of the Classics in America, Author: Carl J Richard
Title: Piracy and Privateering in the Golden Age Netherlands, Author: Virginia W. Lunsford
Title: Role Model and Countermodel: The Golden Age of Iberian Jewry and German Jewish Culture during the Era of Emancipation, Author: Carsten Schapkow
Title: Max Steiner: Composing, Casablanca, and the Golden Age of Film Music, Author: Peter Wegele
Title: The Golden Age of Pantomime: Slapstick, Spectacle and Subversion in Victorian England, Author: Jeffrey Richards
Title: Mexican Melodrama: Film and Nation from the Golden Age to the New Wave, Author: Elena Lahr-Vivaz
Title: Revolutionaries, Rebels and Robbers: The Golden Age of Banditry in Mexico, Latin America and the Chicano American Southwest, 1850-1950, Author: Pascale Baker
Title: Gone for Good: Tales of University Life after the Golden Age, Author: Stuart Rojstaczer