Title: The Time of Their Lives: The Golden Age of Great American Book Publishers, Their Editors, and Authors, Author: Al Silverman
Title: The Real Mad Men: The Renegades of Madison Avenue and the Golden Age of Advertising, Author: Andrew Cracknell
Title: Cleveland TV Tales: Stories from the Golden Age of Local Television, Author: Mike Olszewski
Title: China's Wings: War, Intrigue, Romance, and Adventure in the Middle Kingdom During the Golden Age of Flight, Author: Gregory Crouch
Title: Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State / Edition 1, Author: Khameel Bayo Mustapha
Title: Hole in the Ground with A Liar at the Top: Fraud and Deceit in the Golden Age of American Mining, Author: Dan Plazak
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Title: Social Security and the Golden Age: An Essay on the New American Demographic, Author: George McGivern
Title: Policies for Competitiveness: Comparing Business-Government Relationships in the Golden Age of Capitalism / Edition 1, Author: Hideaki Miyajima
Title: A Word from Our Sponsor: Admen, Advertising, and the Golden Age of Radio, Author: Cynthia B. Meyers
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The Hollywood Studios: House Style in the Golden Age of the Movies
by Ethan Mordden
Narrated by  Barrett Whitener
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Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs
by Ann Thanaraj
Narrated by  Ann Thanaraj
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