Title: Whisker Line, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials, Author: Michael W Lucas
Title: Tarsnap Mastery: Online Backups for the Truly Paranoid, Author: Michael W Lucas
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Title: PAM Mastery, Author: Robin Avery
Title: Networking For Systems Administrators, Author: Michael W Lucas
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Title: Spilled Mirovar, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
#1 in Series
Title: FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems, Author: Michael W Lucas
Title: Sticky Supersaturation, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Breaking the Circle, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Kipuka Blues, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
#2 in Series
Title: No More Lonesome Blue Rings, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Butterfly Stomp Waltz, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Earthquake Kitten Kiss, Author: Sara TAYLOR
Title: FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS, Author: Michael W Lucas
Title: Sudo Mastery: User Access Control for Real People, Author: Michael Lucas
Title: Kipuka Blues, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Immortal Clay (A Science Fiction Alien Invasion Novel), Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Vicious Redemption: Five Horror Stories, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Wifi and Romex, Author: Michael Warren Lucas
Title: Relayd and Httpd Mastery, Author: Michael W Lucas

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