Title: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor - The Sapling Vol. 2: Volume 2: Roots, Author: George Mann
Title: Robotech Vol. 1, Author: Brian Wood
Title: Kill Baxter, Author: Charlie Human
Title: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol. 6, Author: I.N.J. Culbard
Title: Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor - Facing Fate Volume 2: Vortex Butterflies, Author: Nick Abadzis
Title: Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Vol. 1, Author: George Mann
Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation Comics Classics: The Battle Within, Author: Michael Jan Friedman
Title: Lenore: Wedgies (Color Edition), Author: Roman Dirge
Title: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus Volume 1, Author: Tony Lee
Title: Bart Simpson: Prince of Pranks, Author: Matt Groening
Title: Star Trek the Next Generation Comics Classics: The Hero Factor, Author: Michael Jan Friedman