Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters, Welcome to Darkmount, Author: Various Various
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #3, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Rage of the Dinobots #2, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #2, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime #1, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #8, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime #2, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime - Rage of the Dinobots #4, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #4, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #7, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #6, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #1, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Rage of the Dinobots #1, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime #3, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime #4, Author: Mike Johnson
Title: Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters #5, Author: Mairghread Scott
Title: Transformers: Prime - Rage of the Dinobots #3, Author: Mike Johnson