Title: Uncle Tom's Cabin (illustrated), Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Title: Uncle Sam's Boys in the Philippines, Author: H. Irving Hancock
Title: Uncle Sam's Boys as Sergeants, Author: H. Irving Hancock
Title: Uncle Wiggly in the Woods, Author: Howard Garis
Title: Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants, Author: H. Irving Hancock
Title: Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories, Author: Cal Stewart
Title: A Prefect's Uncle, Author: P. G. Wodehouse
Title: Peck's Uncle Ike and the Red Headed Boy, Author: George W. Peck
Title: UNCLE TOM'S CABIN YOUNG FOLKS' EDITION, Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Title: Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) And Two Other Reminiscences, Author: H. G. Wells
Title: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Author: Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe
Title: The Beyond, Author: Uncle Richard
Title: Midnight Invader, Author: Uncle Richard
Title: Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants or, Serving Old Glory as Line Officers, Author: Harrie Irving Hancock
Title: The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers, Author: Robert L. Drake
Title: Mystic Uncle And The Magical Bridge, Author: Jeffrey Winters
Title: Uncle's Dream, Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Title: Uncle Sam's Boys in the Ranks or, Two Recruits in the United States Army, Author: Harrie Irving Hancock
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Title: Nights With Uncle Remus, Author: Joel Chandler Harris
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