Title: Shooting and Maintaining Your Muzzleloader: How to Make Your Muzzleloader Most Effective and Keep it Working, Author: Wm. Hovey Smith
Title: Muzzleloaders for Hunters, Author: Wm. Hovey Smith
#1 in Series
Title: Buying Used Muzzleloading Guns, Author: William Hovey Smith
Title: Practical Bowfishing, Author: Wm. Hovey Smith
Title: Hunting Big and Small Game with Muzzleloading Pistols: Using single-shots, double-barreled pistols and revolvers for taking game., Author: William Smith
eBook $4.49 $4.99 Current price is $4.49, Original price is $4.99.
Title: Hunting with Muzzleloading Shotguns and Smoothbore Muskets: Smoothbores Let You Hunt Small Game, Big Game and Fowl with the Same Gun, Author: Wm. Hovey Smith