Title: Many Paths to the Baha'i Faith, How people from different faith experiences discover fulfillment in the Baha'i Faith, Author: Nathan Thomas
Title: Quotations for Many Paths to the Baha'i Faith, Selected passages from the Baha'i holy writings and other materials, Author: Nathan Thomas
Title: Manifest Your Potential in the Baha'i Faith, How the Beliefs, Practices, and Vision of the Baha'i Faith Can Change Your Life, Author: Nathan Thomas
Title: Quotations for Manifesting Your Potential in the Baha'i Faith, Selected passages from the Baha'i holy writings and other materials, Author: Nathan Thomas
Title: Making a Better World with the Baha'i Faith, How Baha'is are transforming our world into a more unified, prosperous, and spiritual home for all mankind, Author: Nathan Thomas
Title: Quotations for Making a Better World with the Baha'i Faith, Selected passages from the Baha'i holy writings and other materials, Author: Nathan Thomas