Title: The Art of Being a Healing Presence: A Guide for Those in Caring Relationships, Author: James E. Miller
Title: How Will I Get Through the Holidays: 12 Ideas for Those Whose Loved One Has Died, Author: James E. Miller
Title: When a Man Faces Grief / A Man You Know Is Grieving, Author: James E. Miller
Title: Effective Support Groups: How to Plan, Design, Facilitate, and Enjoy Them, Author: James E. Miller
Title: The Gift of Healing Presence: Encouraging Thoughts for Busy Caregivers, Author: James E. Miller
Title: The Rewarding Practice of Journal Writing: A Guide for Starting and Keeping Your Personal Journal, Author: James E. Miller
Title: One You Love Has Died: Ideas for How Your Grief Can Help You Heal, Author: James E. Miller
Title: One You Love Is Dying: 12 Thoughts to Guide You on the Journey, Author: James E. Miller
Title: When You're Ill or Incapacitated / When You're the Caregiver, Author: James E. Miller
Title: Helping the Bereaved Celebrate the Holidays: A Sourcebook for Planning Instructional and Remembrance Events, Author: James E. Miller
Title: When You Know You're Dying; 12 Thoughts to Guide You Through the Days Ahead, Author: James E. Miller
Title: What Will Help Me? / How Can I Help?, Author: James E. Miller
Title: When Mourning Dawns: Living Your Way Fully Through the Seasons of Your Grief, Author: James E. Miller