Title: Anatomy of Caring, Author: Christine Green
Title: Bible Interpretations First Series, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: The Power of Mind; Phineas P. Quimby Finds a New Thought, Author: Ruth L. Miller
Title: Bible Interpretations Third Series January 3 - March 27, 1892, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: Bible Interpretations Seventh Series January 1 - March 31, 1893, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: Power to Heal; The Mystical Life of Emma Curtis Hopkins, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: Bible Interpretations Ninth Series July 2 - September 27, 1893, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: Bible Interpretations Fifth Series July 3- September 18, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: The Power of The Self - Ralph Waldo Emerson's Wonder Filled Life, Author: Ruth L. Miller
Title: The Power of Unity: The Amazing Discoveries of Charles Fillmore, Author: Ruth L. Miller
Title: Bible Interpretations Thirtenth Series July 1-September 30, 1894, Author: Emma  Curtis Hopkins
Title: Drops Of Gold, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: Bible Interpretations Second Series October 4 - December 27, 1891, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins
Title: The Power of Insight: Thomas Troward's Discoveries in India, Author: Ruth l. Miller
Title: Bible Interpretations Eighth Series April 2-June 25, 1893, Author: Emma Curtis Hopkins