Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

A contemporary male/male rock star gay romance short story complete in 8,400 words...

Carlin has appeared in the tabloids before- as the boy used by his mother to blackmail a rock star. Now, all grown-up with a brand new name, Carlin is back to pursue his own music career.

Stoney has been a famous rocker since his mid-teens. He thinks he's seen it all and done most of it. But Carlin is special. He has that outsider sound Stoney had forgotten.

The trouble is, the paparazzi follow Stoney around everywhere he goes-- and Carlin's old identity just isn't that hard to figure out. 

Will Stoney's attraction to Carlin heal him-- or will it destroy him?

A cliffhanger-free standalone story set in the world of The Runaway Model.

Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

A contemporary male/male rock star gay romance short story complete in 8,400 words...

Carlin has appeared in the tabloids before- as the boy used by his mother to blackmail a rock star. Now, all grown-up with a brand new name, Carlin is back to pursue his own music career.

Stoney has been a famous rocker since his mid-teens. He thinks he's seen it all and done most of it. But Carlin is special. He has that outsider sound Stoney had forgotten.

The trouble is, the paparazzi follow Stoney around everywhere he goes-- and Carlin's old identity just isn't that hard to figure out. 

Will Stoney's attraction to Carlin heal him-- or will it destroy him?

A cliffhanger-free standalone story set in the world of The Runaway Model.

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Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

by Parker Avrile

Narrated by Piers Ryman

Unabridged — 46 minutes

Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

Blackmail Boy: A Runaway Model Gay Romance Short Story

by Parker Avrile

Narrated by Piers Ryman

Unabridged — 46 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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A contemporary male/male rock star gay romance short story complete in 8,400 words...

Carlin has appeared in the tabloids before- as the boy used by his mother to blackmail a rock star. Now, all grown-up with a brand new name, Carlin is back to pursue his own music career.

Stoney has been a famous rocker since his mid-teens. He thinks he's seen it all and done most of it. But Carlin is special. He has that outsider sound Stoney had forgotten.

The trouble is, the paparazzi follow Stoney around everywhere he goes-- and Carlin's old identity just isn't that hard to figure out. 

Will Stoney's attraction to Carlin heal him-- or will it destroy him?

A cliffhanger-free standalone story set in the world of The Runaway Model.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940172017094
Publisher: Paris April Press
Publication date: 02/17/2022
Series: The Runaway Model
Edition description: Unabridged

Read an Excerpt

Through the Eye of the Needle

A Book of Poetry

By Glade A. Myler

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2014 Glade A. Myler
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4907-2852-0


    Cutting Strawberry Runners

    In late spring brings certain
    trepidation, but resolve
    to assist a new generation
    in sending down roots into
    fertile soil carefully prepared
    by many long since
    returned to earth beneath
    those tender shoots.

    Older plants continue to
    produce succulent berries,
    red, vibrant and enticing,
    while still sheltering
    their vulnerable progeny.
    Yet, now each begins
    imperceptibly to wilt in life—
    giving, but perilous sun.

    In spite of mature vigor, all
    feel inevitable loss as runners
    are meticulously severed,
    anchored and nourished
    with anxious tears.

    (Graduation Day)


    —A meditation on Ravel's "Pavane for a Dead Princess"

    Peace, after rain, flows like the notes
    from a melancholy flute as my mind
    softly drifts into needful sleep after
    spontaneous waves of purging sorrow.

    Yet the echo of that sweet melody I
    hear, like loving arms, encircles me
    as gentle tears of grief for my dead
    princess soothes this saddened heart
    now searching for lasting solace.

    When acceptance finally comes,
    I seal my love with a tender kiss
    to that forehead now still, and with
    a whisper of farewell, I longingly
    await that glorious spring when we
    will again dance on velvet clouds
    to the rhythm of this sweet pavane.

    Opus in White Major

    White on white brilliant as noonday sun
    radiates through crystalline windows,
    reflecting sparkling snow gently blanketing
    a weary earth with welcome stillness.

    Peace settles over all like transparent
    dew, as morning's grandeur bathes once
    again nature's music in dazzling brightness.

    Darkness flees before this celestial exhibit
    as warmth springs like soothing tears melting
    the bosom of night now emitting rays pure
    as diamonds to spark frozen air into luminaries
    falling into drifts, then disappearing into
    a symphony of white, intoned on the harps
    and silver-toned violins of winter's morning.

    "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place"

    —Brahms, "German Requiem"

    Las raras veces cuando se parte el velo
    entre esta vida y el porvenir, se refleja
    en las bellezas ocultas y escondidas
    en cada nota de música celestial.

    Mas, se quedan encarceladas y tristes
    esperando otro instante de inspiración
    cuando la musa toca la frente lista
    para libertarlas a brotarse en gloria
    y proveer esos momentos deliciosos
    para los que tienen oídos para oír.

    En tales ocasiones el ser conmovido
    por la hermosura recién probada regresa
    descontento y solemne a esperar con paciencia
    otra ojeada más allá del velo esquivo.

    "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place"

    —Brahms, "German Requiem"

    There are rare occasions when the veil
    between this life and the hereafter parts
    briefly to reveal the obscured and hidden
    beauties in each note of celestial music.

    However, those beauties often remain sadly
    imprisoned awaiting the moment of inspiration
    when the muse touches a brow prepared
    to liberate them, allowing them to blossom
    gloriously creating wonderful melodies
    only for those who have ears to hear.

    When these instances which bathe a soul in
    exquisiteness end, one must reverently, yet
    reluctantly return, only to patiently await another
    glimpse beyond that ever mysterious veil.

    "Peace Like a River"

    Mirrors in still waters reflect the peace
    of creation silently, unnoticeably spinning
    through the universe while the mists
    of the rivers converge into life-giving
    clouds for parched earth awaiting salvation.

    A lone, fallen leaf floating freely, aimlessly
    in time forms ripples interrupting the calm
    momentarily and attracting a swimming
    bird anxious for another meal graciously
    provided by the source of all benevolence.

    "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
    nor entered into the heart of man"
    the treasures held in store for all
    who listen to the peace of a river.


    With you cradled in my arms, love
    ebbs and flows from me to you
    with contentment in each breath,
    as evident in your eyes sweetly
    reflecting fragile trust and devotion
    planted within your tender breast.

    Not wanting to disturb this fleeting
    tranquility, I hesitate only a few
    precious moments, to treasure
    these delicate feelings of affection.

    Unable to accept the inevitable end
    to this bit of welcome serenity, I close
    my eyes, now wet with tears of longing
    for promised days of unending love.

    Sinfonía de mañana

    Una mañana sosegada despliega el horizonte
    con las nubes coloradas y cielo pintado azul.

    Sólo algunas aves interrumpen esta maravilla
    volando como apenas puntos moteando cañamazo
    del artista lista para imprimir otro día especial.

    Brisa sedosa acaricia los árboles y criaturas
    comenzando las actividades de otro día, ignorantes
    de la hermosura amplia de nueva aurora replandeciente.

    Más bién, en pinturas y fotos los artistas congelan
    tal prodigio a fin de preservarlo para días oscuros
    sin felicidad cuando cielos gris reinan sin cesar.

    Así, lucho con afán con esta mi pluma a captar
    la esencia de las mañanas brillantes que por siglos han
    inspirado la alma impresionante hasta moverla a lágrimas.

    Morning Symphony

    On a serene morning, the horizon displays
    red clouds in a beautiful sky painted blue.

    The only interruption to this breathtaking scene
    are a few lone birds appearing like small dots on
    the artist's canvas, ready to capture this moment.

    A gentle breeze caresses the trees, and all
    creatures, beginning their activities of the day, are
    unaware of another exquisitely beautiful dawn.

    Artists strive with paintings and photos to freeze
    such a wonder, preserving it for those gray days without
    much happiness, when sullen skies seem endless.

    With great effort, I too attempt to seize with this pen
    the essence of brilliant mornings which have for centuries,
    inspired impressionable souls, moving them to tears.

    Jean Valjean

    History disguised as poignant
    fiction reveals an inherent truth:

    Deep from within the sordid
    labyrinth of inhumane excess
    emerge saintly giants forged
    in the furnace of affliction
    to remind mankind that we
    are endowed with innate worth,
    to rally the forces of good and
    champion the inevitable struggle
    against blind, cruel avarice.

    Just as warm spring rain melts
    harsh winter's grip, so pure love
    arises from the ashes of hatred
    and despair redeeming those
    caught in the web of bitter revenge.

    Only then can true beauty return
    as the flower of forgiveness,
    transforming a world ripe for self-
    destruction and placating the
    yearnings of each penitent soul.

    To the Forrest Gumps of the World

    Some say heroes are not made from individual
    circumstances, but from one's nurturing and
    substance, when bravery comes naturally as
    adrenaline shuts down self-preservation's cowardice.

    Also, we know reasoning alone leaves many a battlefield
    strewn with egos too proud to accept defeat and accomplish
    those Good Samaritan rescue missions awaiting all of us.

    Through perseverance and even stubbornness those
    who have made themselves as humble, teachable
    little children, become guardians for others who
    have given up on life's seemingly futile struggles.

    These saviors are strategically placed in our
    lives to affect a rescue of the enduring part
    of us, very often eroded by doubts and unbelief.

    It only takes the resolute courageous determined
    to succeed, in spite of the handicaps we all have,
    to cause good to arise from the idiot in us all.

    Nocturno Español

    La música de una sinfornía de grillos de
    verano produce nostalgia que me inunda
    tormentándome con ambivalencia hirviendo
    hasta reventarse en un poema colorado.

    La noche con sus temores imaginados
    me envuelve en sonido bello de castañuelas
    cencerreando a la serenata de Don Juan
    desterrado y enamorado en balcón oculto.
    La Mancha me llama como una sirena sutil
    aunque desconocida, sino por lectura
    deliciosa e ingeniosa de ese maestro fino
    que ha tentado probar esa fruta efímera.

    Màs, pronto termina sueño extravagante
    pero persiste el sabor dulce siempre.

    Spanish Nocturne

    The music of a symphony of crickets
    in summer produces nostalgia which floods
    me with seething storms of ambivalence
    which burst forth into a colorful poem.

    Night with its imagined fears envelops
    me with the beautiful sounds of castanets
    clicking to the serenade of Don Juan,
    exiled and lovesick on a cloaked balcony.

    La Mancha calls to me like a cunning siren
    even though it is only known to me through
    the ingenious and delicious text of that
    master who strove to taste the illusive fruit.

    Suddenly, this flamboyant dream ends,
    but the sweet taste persists forever.


    These scars I suffer serve
    to remind me of past
    injuries now partially
    forgotten, but not buried.

    If these scars encourage
    me, like the fierce winds
    goad me to cover myself,
    and wait patiently for
    merciful warming of spring,
    then I have triumphed.

    It is in the surrendering to
    adversity and rationalizing
    the causes of my misfortune
    is when I sadly fall short.

    The instinct to survive is
    strong among all living
    creatures, but the scars from
    storms and predators can
    only be softened over time.

    Yet, some day, after much
    contrition and humility, these
    scars will surely be erased
    by the tender touch of divinity.

    "Considerad los lirios del campo ...

    —ni aún Salomón con toda
    su gloria se vistió como uno de ellos.:
    (Mateo 6:28, 29)

    Al contemplar esta maravilla llamada
    naturaleza se disuelven las muchas
    preocupaciones que inquietan la alma,
    como la noche suaviza los remolinos.

    El balance entre los elementos se
    refleja en el intercambio de las plantas
    y los animales cuando respiran lo que
    el otro rechaza y, de cierto, disdeña.

    El nacimiento de belleza en una flor
    de la pudrición de otros organismos
    inspira asombro aún en cada persona
    empedernida por su propia importancia.

    El cielo mismo entona este canto
    e instrumenta la sinfonía de la puesta
    del sol al destacarse el azul
    entre nubes doradas y rosadas.

    Con noche y la oscuridad, el silencio
    de sueño reina sobre el mundo
    de la naturaleza encubriendo
    pesar de vivir en capullos de olvido.

    "Consider the lilies of the field ...

    even Solomon in all his glory was
    not arrayed like one of these."
    —Matthew 6:28, 29

    Upon contemplating the many marvels
    of nature, the frivolous cares of this world
    which preoccupy our time and thoughts
    dissipate, like night soothes the whirlwinds.

    The delicate balance of the elements
    is reflected in the interchange of plants
    and animals as each breathes in what
    the other rejects and, certainly, disdains.

    The beauty of a newly-opened flower
    born from the decomposition of other
    matter inspires awe in all human beings,
    even those hardened by self-importance.

    As the sky also intones this natal song,
    orchestrating the glorious setting of
    the sun, the ethereal blue is enhanced
    by dazzling gold and rose-colored clouds.

    With night and darkness, the silence
    of sleep rules the world, as a natural
    blanket for grief and sorry, covering
    us in cocoons of forgetfulness.


    Longing to teach and warn from
    my experienced vantage point,
    with ambivalent eyes I see him.

    Among many spurts of hormonal
    activity and with a sponge-like mind,
    he touches with his finger-eyes.

    Stomach prone with palms supporting
    his chin, shoeless feet swinging freely,
    in a rare, quiet moment, he pauses
    to contemplate a cocoon suspended
    precariously under a teardrop leaf.

    Too anxious to await the miraculous
    change, he bolts to other wonders
    leaving the pupa to unavoidable perils,
    while he narrowly escapes the sting
    of a bee frightened from his haste.

    His mirthful childhood behind him,
    he ventures forth handsomely
    dressed with a bow tie and tuxedo.

    He stops, unaware of a now-empty
    chrysalis, to lean against a tree and
    thoughtfully ponder the universe
    before him, as the splendid butterfly
    slowly flutters with wings still damp
    and lights upon his youthful shoulder.

    The realization that yesterday is
    gone brings a knowing tear burning
    my cheek as I see both poised upon
    the threshold of life's fiery furnace.


Excerpted from Through the Eye of the Needle by Glade A. Myler. Copyright © 2014 Glade A. Myler. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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