Title: After the Flood: Inside Bob Dylan's Memory Palace, Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: Ballad of Bob Dylan: A Portrait, Author: Daniel Mark Epstein
Title: Bob Dylan: A Spiritual Life, Author: Scott M. Marshall
Title: Bob Dylan: Face Value, Author:
Title: Bob Dylan: Face Value, Author: Ingrid Mossinger
Title: Bob Dylan: Performing Artist 1974-1986: The Middle Years, Author: Paul Williams
Title: Bob Dylan: Todas Sus Canciones, Author: Jean-Michel Guesdon
Hardcover $32.09 $45.00 Current price is $32.09, Original price is $45.00.
Title: Dylan: Disc by Disc, Author: Jon Bream
Hardcover $28.07 $30.00 Current price is $28.07, Original price is $30.00.
Title: Grown-Up Anger: The Connected Mysteries of Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, and the Calumet Massacre of 1913, Author: Daniel Wolff
Title: John Cohen: Here and Gone, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie & the 1960s, Author: John Cohen
Hardcover $34.23 $48.00 Current price is $34.23, Original price is $48.00.
Title: My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria Core Rulebook, Author: Dylan Owen
Title: Revolution in the Air: The Songs of Bob Dylan, 1957-1973, Author: Clinton Heylin
Title: Still on the Road: The Songs of Bob Dylan, 1974-2006, Author: Clinton Heylin
Title: Time Out of Mind: The Lives of Bob Dylan, Author: Ian Bell
Hardcover $30.37 $35.00 Current price is $30.37, Original price is $35.00.
Title: Treasures of Bob Dylan, Author: Brian Southall
Title: Trouble in Mind: Bob Dylan's Gospel Years - What Really Happened, Author: Clinton Heylin