Title: Bob Dylan - Easy Reading Biography, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Bob Dylan - Private Man, Music Legend, Author: The Associated Press
Title: Bob Dylan: A Biography, Author: Sally Barber
Title: Bob Dylan: Kleine Anekdoten aus dem Leben eines großen Musikers, Author: Christoph Spöcker
Title: Cine este Bob Dylan?, Author: Jim O'Connor
Title: Desolation Row: Bob Dylan's epic poem revisited, Author: David Tuffley
Title: Finding Home with the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and Billy Graham: A Memoir of Growing up Inside the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Author: Jess Archer
eBook $2.99 $3.99 Current price is $2.99, Original price is $3.99.
Title: The Guitar Behind: Ron Cornelius, Charlie Daniels, Russ Kunkel, Al Cooper, David Bomberg, Bob Dylan, Author: Monica Hardin
#1 in Series
Title: The Guitar Behind: Sly Stone, Bobby Freeman, Bob Mitchel, Tom Donahue, Bob Dylan, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Kenny Buttrey, Roland White, Josh Graves, Marty Robbins, Louden Wainwright III, Ron Cornelius, Author: Monica Hardin
Title: Together Through Life: A Personal Journey with the Music of Bob Dylan, Author: Chris Morris