Title: A Haven Amidst Perdition, Author: Cachao Y Su Orquesta
Title: Advanced Concepts in No-Limit Hold'em: A Modern Approach to Poker Analysis, Author: Cachao Y Su Orchestra
Title: Cachao Sounds: La Descarga Continua, Artist:
Title: Conversations of the Heart From Pain to Promise, Author: Cachao Descargas
Title: Cuba Linda, Artist: Cachao
by Cachao
Title: Descargas Cubanas (Cachao Y Su Combo), Artist: Pre-Order Now
Title: Guerre civile et modernité: Prolongement de la crise de la conscience européenne, Author: Bernard Dumont
Title: La guerre civile perpétuelle: Aux origines modernes de la dissociété, Author: Bernard Dumont
Title: Marcada para Sempre, Author: Liliane Fonseca
Title: Monte Adentro, Artist: Cachao
by Cachao
Title: Russie d'hier et d'aujourd'hui: Perceptions croisées, Author: College of New Jersey Wind Ensemble