The Hong Kong of today is as fresh and exciting as any modern city, yet steeped in generations of tradition that honor and respect the past. This book in the “Enchantment of the World” series is chock full of fascinating facts, colorful images, and an impartial presentation of this ancient city thriving in a new century. It is a city of paradox: while it has magnificent natural beauty it also has one of the densest populations in the world. It is a world leader for banking, insurance, and tourism, yet also has many low paying jobs. Hong Kong boasts the widest gap in the world between the wealthy and the poor. Presented in easily managed chapters, there are also relevant facts on many pages to break up any tedious reading for those not immediately enthralled by the presentation of information. There is one typo in the section about pangolins, suggesting another editing eye would have been beneficial. Other than that, this is an exceptional book and would be welcome in any library. Reviewer: Elizabeth Young; Ages 9 to 12.