Title: Curious Epitaphs, Author: various
Title: Epitaph for a Desert Anarchist: The Life and Legacy of Edward Abbey, Author: James Bishop
Title: Epitaph for a Peach: Four Seasons on My Family Farm, Author: David M. Masumoto
Title: My Epitaph, Author: Logan
Title: Queenship and Sanctity: The Lives of Mathilda and the Epitaph of Adelheid / Edition 1, Author: Sean Gilsdorf
Title: Remembrances and Celebrations: A Book of Eulogies, Elegies, Letters, and Epitaphs, Author: Jill Werman Harris
Title: William Shakespere, Of Stratford-On-Avon: His Epitaph Unearthed, and the Author of the Plays run to Ground, with Supplement, Author: Scott Surtees