Title: The Remnant: A Prophetic Fable, Author: Linda Bowles
Title: Mirror Mirror...Am I Beautiful?, Author: Shelley Hitz
Title: Shatterd Glass, Author: Faithian Hart
Title: Winning is Everything, Author: Tony Hart
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Title: The Hart and the Water Brooks, Author: John Ross Macduff
Title: If Jesus Had a Dog, Author: Donald H. Hart
Title: Hidden Spring: The Spiritual Dimension of Therapy, Author: Thomas N. Hart
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Title: Christianity In 3D, Author: Larry Hart
Title: Strangers and Pilgrims Once More: Being Disciples of Jesus in a Post-Christendom World, Author: Addison Hodges Hart
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Title: Secrets To Meaningful Prayer, Author: John F. Hart Jr.
Title: Sacramental Commons: Christian Ecological Ethics, Author: John Hart