Title: For Madmen Only, Artist: Atomic Opera
Title: My California, Artist: Hart,Beth
Title: I Wonder What She's Doing Tonite: The Best Of Boyce & Hart, Artist: Boyce & Hart
Title: Interview With The Vampire - Tv O.S.T., Artist: Hart,Daniel
Title: Universe: The 3rd Album, Neo Culture Technology (2021), Artist: NCT
Title: Classic Albums Collection: 1954-1964, Artist: Roy Haynes
Title: Old Man & The Gun (Daniel Hart), Artist:
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Title: War in My Mind, Artist: Beth Hart
Title: The Complete Songs Of Charles Ives, Vol. 1, Artist: Ives / Ohrenstein / Hart
Title: Tribute To Led Zeppelin, Artist: Hart,Beth
Title: Live at the Royal Albert Hall, Artist: Beth Hart
Title: Bang Bang Boom Boom (Beth Hart), Artist:
Title: Une Histoire de Famille, Artist: Hart-Rouge
Title: Front and Center: Live from New York, Artist: Beth Hart
Title: Hart County, Artist:
Title: Shifting Standards, Artist: Bill Anschell
Title: Black Coffee, Artist: Beth Hart
Title: Songs By Cole Porter And Rodgers & Hart: The 1953 Walden Sessions, Artist: Louise Carlyle
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Title: Sings Rodgers & Hart Songs, Artist: Tony Bennett
Title: Smoke + Clouds, Artist: William Hart Strecker

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