Title: The Second Story (The Magic Misfits Series #2), Author:
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Title: The Misfit Soldier: Edward Casey's War Story, 1914-1932, Author: Joanna Bourke
Title: The Minor Third (The Magic Misfits Series #3), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Magic Misfits (The Magic Misfits Series #1), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Fourth Suit (The Magic Misfits Series #4), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Diary Of A Misfit, Author: Cos Belgium
Title: The Cry of the Misfits and the Discarded, Author: Aliza Sneed
Title: Model Misfit (Geek Girl Series #2), Author: Holly Smale
Title: Missionary, Mercenary, Mystic, Misfit, Author: J.
Title: Misfit to Masterpiece: Uncover the Secrets to Changing Your Legacy, Author: M. Diane Pearce
Title: Isle of Misfits 4: The Candy Cane Culprit, Author: Roberta Haynes
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Title: Isle of Misfits 2: The Missing Pot of Gold, Author: Jamie Mae
Title: Isle of Misfits 1: First Class, Author: Jamie Mae
Title: I Only Cry On Thursdays ~: Memoir Of A Misfit, Author: Anonymous
Title: Eraserheads: A Hood Misfits Novel, Author: Brick
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Title: Dirty Lace: Misfits, Least Likely to Succeed, Author: Beth Wedding
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Title: Anatomy of a Misfit, Author: Andrea Portes
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Title: A Band of Misfits: Tales of the 2010 San Francisco Giants, Author: Andrew Baggarly
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