Title: The Magic Misfits (The Magic Misfits Series #1), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Misfits, Author: James Howe
Title: Misfit, Author: Jon Skovron
eBook $6.99 $8.06 Current price is $6.99, Original price is $8.06.
Title: The Misfits Club, Author: Kieran Crowley
Title: The Fourth Suit (The Magic Misfits Series #4), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Minor Third (The Magic Misfits Series #3), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Second Story (The Magic Misfits Series #2), Author:
Title: 'Post' Mark--Santa's Misfit Postman, Author: Mark Perry
Title: A Valiant Quest for the Misfit Menagerie, Author: Jacqueline Resnick
Title: The Daring Escape of the Misfit Menagerie, Author: Jacqueline Resnick
Title: The Land of Misfit Bugs, Author: Jan Krauel
Title: Isle of Misfits 1: First Class, Author: Jamie Mae
Title: Isle of Misfits 2: The Missing Pot of Gold, Author: Jamie Mae
Title: Isle of Misfits 4: The Candy Cane Culprit, Author: Roberta Haynes
Title: Isle of Misfits 3: Prank Wars!, Author: Jamie Mae