Title: The Magic Misfits (The Magic Misfits Series #1), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Misfits Club, Author: Kieran Crowley
Title: The Fourth Suit (The Magic Misfits Series #4), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Land of Misfit Bugs, Author: Janann Krauel
Title: The Misfits, Author: Serge Toubiana
Title: Jem #2: The Video Caper: YOU are JEM! The Misfits kidnap an English princess -- and blame it on you! You have to find her!, Author: Jean Waricha
Title: Misfit City Vol. 1, Author: Chimera
Title: The Minor Third (The Magic Misfits Series #3), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Second Story (The Magic Misfits Series #2), Author: