Title: The Magic Misfits (The Magic Misfits Series #1), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: Rattles, the Barn Cat Misfit, Author: Arlene White
#1 in Series
Title: The Misfits Club, Author: Kieran Crowley
Title: The Fourth Suit (The Magic Misfits Series #4), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Land of Misfit Bugs, Author: Janann Krauel
Title: A Valiant Quest for the Misfit Menagerie, Author: Jacqueline Resnick
Title: The Misfit Christmas Puddings: A Fantastic Christmas Story for Children (Illustrated), Author: The Consolation Club
Title: The Misfits, Author: James Howe
Title: A Copycat Conundrum (The Misfits) (Signed B&N Exclusive Book), Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: The Daring Escape of the Misfit Menagerie, Author: Jacqueline Resnick
Title: The Minor Third (The Magic Misfits Series #3), Author: Neil Patrick Harris
Title: The Misadventures of Slothboy, Author: Christina Bernitt
Title: Invizy & The Misfit Supers, Author: Scott Wiser
Title: Rayleigh Mann and the Quest of Misfits, Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: The Second Story (The Magic Misfits Series #2), Author: