Title: Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, Author: Malcolm C Duncan
Title: The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons State of Texas, Author: Sam Hamilton
Title: A Short Masonic History: With Some Account of the Higher Degrees, Volume 2, Author: Frederick Armitage
Title: The Meaning of Masonry, Author: Walter Leslie Wilmshurst
Title: General Ahiman Rezon, Author: Daniel Sickels
Title: The Symbolism of Freemasonry, Author: Albert G. Mackey
Title: THE ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY: The 1717 Theory Exploded, Author: Brother Chalmers I. Paton
Title: The Dionysian Artificers, Author: Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa
Title: Symbolical Masonry, Author: H.L. Haywood