This is a unique war drama in that it carefully avoids the typical stereotypes of the genre as much as it avoids glamorizing the horror of battle and moralizing. It is simply the tale of Lt. Benson, veteran commander who has been assigned to take his patrol to Hill 465 during the Korean War. His unit is tired, but they must make it there in time to meet their battalion and take the hill. Sergeant Montana has been ordered to escort his shell-shocked colonel to a MASH unit. The trouble begins when Benson, who needs transport for the battalions weapons, steals Montana's jeep along with the colonel. A battle of wills takes place because while Benson is determined to protect his battalion, Montana is equally determined to save the life of the colonel he has come to respect and love. Still, they continue with their harrowing journey through enemy territory toward Hill 465; many men die. When the few survivors arrive they discover they are too late, most of the battalion are slain and the North Koreans have the hill. Still courageous Benson and his men launch an attack against the enemy and try to win the hill for themselves.