Title: Seriously Hexed, Author: Tina Connolly
#3 in Series
Title: Seriously Shifted, Author: Tina Connolly
#2 in Series
Title: Seriously Wicked: A Novel, Author: Tina Connolly
#1 in Series
Title: A Glass of Crazy, Author: Tina Laningham
Title: The Painted Room, Author: Tina Mikals
Title: That Seriously Obnoxious Time I Was Stuck at Witch Rimelda's One Hundredth Birthday Party: A Tor.Com Original, Author: Tina Connolly
Title: Tina's Revenge, Author: Rita Hestand
Title: Awakening: Book 1 in The History of the Dominions, Author: Tina Riddle
Title: The Legend of Phoenix Mountain, Author: Tina Tsai
Title: Sevens & Sixes: The Corridor of Doors Trilogy - Book Two, Author: Bruno Pecile
Title: Warriors of Change:Sent(enced) to School, Author: Tina Brescanu
Title: How to Hook a Hottie, Author: Tina Ferraro
Title: Breath of Dragons: Vanished, Author: Tina M. Randolph
Title: Between & Betwixt: The Corridor of Doors Trilogy - Book One, Author: B&T Pecile
Title: Half-Life, Author: Tina Ferraro