Title: The Magicians of Caprona (Chrestomanci Series #2), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: Mixed Magics: Four Tales of Chrestomanci, Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Pinhoe Egg (Chrestomanci Series #6), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Lives of Christopher Chant (Chrestomanci Series #4), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume III: Conrad's Fate/The Pinhoe Egg ( The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Series), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Pinhoe Egg (Chrestomanci Series #6), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume II: The Magicians of Caprona / Witch Week, Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume I: Charmed Life / The Lives of Christopher Chant, Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: Conrad's Fate (Chrestomanci Series #5), Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Title: Witch Week (Chrestomanci Series #3), Author: Diana Wynne Jones