Title: The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Author: Ray Kurzweil
Title: Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2: LEDs, LCDs, Audio, Thyristors, Digital Logic, and Amplification, Author: Charles Platt
Title: Make: Sensors: A Hands-On Primer for Monitoring the Real World with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Author: Tero Karvinen
Title: An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks, Author: Steven F. Zornetzer
Title: Pda Robotics, Author: Doug Williams
Title: Make: LEGO and Arduino Projects: Projects for extending MINDSTORMS NXT with open-source electronics, Author: John Baichtal
Title: PIC Robotics: A Beginner's Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro, Author: John Iovine