Title: Why Firms Succeed / Edition 1, Author: John A. Kay
Title: Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business, Author: J. Ward
Title: Beyond the Core: Expand Your Market Without Abandoning Your Roots, Author: Chris Zook
Title: Profit from the Core: A Return to Growth in Turbulent Times, Author: Chris Zook
Title: The CEO Within: Why Inside-Outsiders Are the Key to Succession Planning, Author: Joseph L. Bower
Title: Winning in Asia: Strategies for Competing in the New Millennium, Author: Peter J. Williamson
Title: Unstoppable: Finding Hidden Assets to Renew the Core and Fuel Profitable Growth, Author: Chris Zook
Title: Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success, Author: Sylvia Ann Hewlett
Title: Spark: How Old-Fashioned Values Drive a Twenty-First-Century Corporation: Lessons from Lincoln Electric's Unique Guaranteed Employment Program, Author: Frank Koller