Title: The Making of an American (Illustrated), Author: Jacob Riis
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Paperback $19.31 $20.95 Current price is $19.31, Original price is $20.95.
Title: How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York, Author: Jacob A. Riis
Title: How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York (Illustrated Edition), Author: Jacob a. Riis
Title: How The Other Half Lives / Edition 1, Author: Jacob A. Riis
Title: How The Other Half Lives Special Illustrated Edition Including the Author's Photographs, Author: Jacob Riis
Title: The Children of the Poor and Other Works by Jacob Riis, Author: Jacob Riis
#1 in Series
Title: Jacob Riis, Author: Bonnie Yochelsem
Title: Neighbors (Illustrated), Author: Jacob Riis
Title: Children of the Tenements (Illustrated), Author: Jacob Riis
Title: The Children of the Poor (Illustrated), Author: Jacob Riis
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Title: The Battle with the Slum, Author: Jacob A. Riis
Title: New York Newsboy, A story of newspaper boys in the late 1800's and early 1900's, Author: Jacob A. Riis
Title: How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York, Author: Jacob A. Riis
Title: Riverside Hospital New York City North Brother Island, Author: Jacob A. Riis