Title: El Dia Que Me Quieras
Title: Disco Godfather
Title: True Believers: The Musical Family of Rounder Records
Title: Carmen: A Hip Hopera
Title: Michael Ball: The Musicals... & More
Title: Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella
Title: Jesus Christ Superstar
Title: Zoot Suit
Title: Sweet Charity
Title: The Benny Goodman Story
Title: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Title: A Chorus Line
Title: Ballroom Dancing for Beginners
Title: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court/The Emporer Waltz
Title: In Fashion
Director: Bob Schwarz
Title: Desperate Teenage Lovedolls
Title: Rigoletto: A Feature Film Sung By Tito Gobbi, Mario Del Monaco
Title: Thoroughly Modern Millie
Title: Two Faces of Thailand: A Musical Portrait
Title: Deep Blues: A Musical Pilgrimage to the Crossroads

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