Title: Have A Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks, Author: Mick Foley
Title: A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The True Story of a Nice Jewish Boy Who Joins the Church of Scientology and Leaves Twelve Years Later to Become the Lovely Lady She Is Today, Author: Kate Bornstein
Title: Mr Nice: An Autobiography, Author: Howard Marks
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Title: Even When Life Doesn't Play Nice: One Child's Journey from Unfavorable Beginnings - A Memoir, Author: Patricia Christian Punches
Title: Ignorant Army: How the Draft Made a Nice Young Man into a Leftist Radical, Author: Five Hungry Men
Title: In Search of Nice Americans: Off the grid, on the road and state to state in Trump's America, Author: Geoff Steward
Title: Another Nice Mess - The Laurel & Hardy Story, Author: Jr. Raymond Valinoti
Title: A Nice Tuesday, Author: Pat Jordan
Title: Nice Guys Finish Last, Author: Leo Durocher
Title: Wouldn't It Be Nice: Brian Wilson and the Making of the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds, Author: Charles L. Granata
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Title: Nice Jewish Girls: Growing Up in America, Author: Marlene Adler Marks