Table of Contents
*=New to this Edition
1. What Is Ethics?
Taking Care
Ethics as a Learning Experience
* Reading 1: C.P. Ellis, "It Was Almost Like Being Born Again"
Going Farther #1: Toward an Interpersonal Ethics
* Reading 2: Margaret Urban Walker, from "Moral Understandings"
Going Farther #2: Two Views of Ethics and Other Animals
Reading 3: Alice Walker, "Am I Blue?"
Reading 4: Ted Kerasote, from Bloodties: Nature, Culture, and the Hunt
2. Ethical Short-Circuits (and How to Avoid Them)
Flying by Instinct
Offhand Self-Justification
Ethics and Diversity
Who Needs Ethics?
Going Farther #3: Ethics in Extraordinary Times?"
* Reading 5: Rebecca Solnit, "By the Way, Your Home Is on Fire"
3. Ethics and Religion
An Approach to Religious Ethics
Let the Stories Be Stories
Thinking for Yourself
Reading: Jamal Rahman, "Making Peace with the Sword Verse"
4. Taking Values Seriously
Moral Values Among Others
Attending to Values
Families of Moral Values
Notes on the Families
Going Farther #4: An Abortion Story
Reading 7: Rayna Rapp, "XYLO"
5. The Ethics of the Person
Valuing Persons
Reading 8: Philip Hallie, "Le Chambon"
Kant's Categorical Imperative
Reading 9: Immanuel Kant, from Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
Rights and Persons
Reading 10: From The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Going Farther #5: Pornography and the Ethics of the Person
* Reading 11: Gloria Steinem, from "Erotica vs. Pornography"
Going Farther #6: Inside Racism Today
* Reading 12: Ta-Nehisi Coates, from Selections from "A Letter to My Son"
6. The Ethics of Happiness
* Reading 13: Barbara Frederickson, from Positivity (Random House, 2009)
Reading 14: John Stuart Mill, From Utilitarianism
* Reading 15: Esperanza Guisán, "An Ethic of Liberty and Solidarity"
Going Farther #7: Ethics and Conceptions of Justice
Going Farther #8: A Utilitarian Approach to Poverty
7. The Ethics of Virtue
An Abundance of Virtues
A Greek View of Virtue
Reading 16: Aristotle, from Nicomachean Ethics
Chinese Views of Virtue
Reading 17: Lao Tzu, From the Tao Te Ching
Cultivating Virtue
Reading 18: John Sullivan, From Living Large
8. The Ethics of Relationship
Care Ethics
Reading 19: Nel Noddings, From Caring
Ethics and Community
Reading 20: Kwasi Wiredu, From "The Moral Foundations of an African Culture"
The Expanding Circle
Reading 21: Aldo Leopold, From "The Land Ethic"
Going Farther 9: Building a Student Code of Ethics
* Reading 22: Brook J. Sadler, "What's Wrong with Plagiarism?"
Going Farther #10: Values on the Edge?
Reading 23: Edward Abbey, "The Great American Desert"
9. Minding the Evidence
Facts and Sources
Reading 24: Martin Fowler, Selections from The Ethical Practice of Critical Thinking
More Pitfalls
Quick Reference: Critical-Thinking Basics
10. Judging Like Cases Alike
Consistency is a Challenge
Achieving Consistency
The Golden Rule
* Reading 25: Harry Gensler, Selections from Ethics and the Golden Rule
Constructed Analogies
* Reading 26: Richard and Val Routley, "The Nuclear Train to the Future"
Quick Reference: Judging Like Cases Alike
Going Farther #11: Reconsidering Other Animals: Consistency Challenges for Everyone
* Reading 27: Jonathan Safran Foer, "A Case for Eating Dogs"
* Reading 28: Rhys Southan, "The Vegans Have Landed"
Going Farther #12: Children's Liberation?
* Reading 29: Amy Glaser, "Beyond Adultism"
11. Dialogue
How to Have a Fruitless Debate
How to Have a Useful Discussion
Reading 30: Mary Jacksteit and Adrienne Kaufmann, The Common Ground Network for Life and Choice, "Common Ground Rules"
Reading 31: Spoma Jovanovic, "Deepening Ethical Dialogue"
12. When Values Clash
Right Versus Right
What Is Each Side Right About?
Bringing Values into Congruence
Big Decisions
Reading 32: Roger Gottlieb, "Can We Talk? Understanding the 'Other Side' in the Animal Rights Debates"
Quick Reference: When Values Clash
Going Farther #13: Class Ethical Commitments
13. Creative Problem-Solving
A Feeling for Possibility
Creative Explorations
Creative Provocations
Reframing Problems
Quick Reference: Methods for Creative Problem-Solving in Ethics
Going Farther #14: Can the Abortion Debate be Reframed?
Going Farther #15: Where Ethics Meets Politics
14. Moral Vision
What is Moral Vision?
The Uses of Moral Vision
Toward a New Vision of Aging
Reading 33: Bill Thomas, "Eldertopia" (Selections from What Are Old People For?)
* Reading 34: Ursula LeGuin, "Into the Spaceship, Granny: The Space Crone"
Quick Reference: Moral Vision
Going Farther #16: Ethics and Sustainability
* Reading 35: William McDonough, "Design for a New World"
Eight Maxims for Making a Difference
1. You Can Do It
* Reading 36: Danusha Goska, "Living Ideals"
2. There are Many Ways
* Reading 37: Ian Frazier, from On the Rez
3. Trust in Better Possibilities
4. Keep at It
* Reading 38: Maggie Castor, "Malala"
5. Creative Leveraging
6. Stay Open to Complexity
7. There is No Way to Ethics; Ethics is the Way
* Reading 39: Sarah van Gelder, "At Standing Rock, a Sense of Purpose
8. Bring Your Whole Toolbox
Going Farther #17: Personal Ethical Mission Statements
Going Farther #18: Ethical Change Projects
Endnotes: Teaching Like a Pragmatist
Key Terms in this Book
Major Ethical Issues Discussed