A Portrait of Valor
In this thrilling tale of romance and adventure, Wolf DeVoon has created a culturally incorrect detective genre that he calls "bang-ow, with sex scenes." He's a hardboiled P.I., dangerous and down on his luck. She's a CPA investigating aerospace fraud in Los Angeles. When they meet, it's a sizzling train wreck of passion and daring.
A Portrait of Valor
In this thrilling tale of romance and adventure, Wolf DeVoon has created a culturally incorrect detective genre that he calls "bang-ow, with sex scenes." He's a hardboiled P.I., dangerous and down on his luck. She's a CPA investigating aerospace fraud in Los Angeles. When they meet, it's a sizzling train wreck of passion and daring.
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A Portrait of Valor

A Portrait of Valor

by Wolf DeVoon
A Portrait of Valor

A Portrait of Valor

by Wolf DeVoon


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In this thrilling tale of romance and adventure, Wolf DeVoon has created a culturally incorrect detective genre that he calls "bang-ow, with sex scenes." He's a hardboiled P.I., dangerous and down on his luck. She's a CPA investigating aerospace fraud in Los Angeles. When they meet, it's a sizzling train wreck of passion and daring.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780692830840
Publisher: Alan von Altendorf
Publication date: 01/05/2017
Series: Case Files of Cable & Blount
Pages: 158
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.50(d)

Table of Contents

1. Love At First Sound
2. Boss Spurls
3. Always Faithful
4. The Ant Colony
5. Palo Alto
6. Mister Marble
7. The Fall Guy
8. Mrs. Blount's Chapter
9. Captain Williamson
10. London
11. Georgetown
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