Read an Excerpt
Alien Encounters
A Lifetime Deal
Balboa Press
Copyright © 2011 Judy L. Clarke
All right reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-0200-7
Chapter One
What It's All About
Sometimes I wonder what stimulates us do things and to what lengths we go to finally push us to the point of stepping up to the plate when we could have done so years before and didn't. Why do we do things and leave the memory of them in the back of our minds? Is it we who forget, or is that memory lapse induced by outside sources? Knowing full well those things were real, we won't allow the accumulation of those memories to join together to make the story they truly are come to life, like a selective memory.
A series of events occurred in my life that seemed to open the floodgates for the release of some haunting memories of alien encounters that happened at various times throughout my life, bringing small prompters back to me. These prompters ranged from straight-up recall, to hypnotism, to seeing a book jacket, to pictures, to casual conversations, to movies, to waking up just knowing, etc. Even when these memories came to mind, they were not something I felt drawn to talk about. I owned a complacency—a "couldn't care less" (cavalier) attitude, a plain and simple lack of desire to discuss it—which was very strange for me, as I'm never short of a word. Then again, one has to think, Was this an inflicted silence to prevent talk on a subject that must be kept quiet until the time was right? Were, in fact, all abductees given this same enforced silence until we were given permission to open up and talk about it? It makes me think that maybe now is the time.
Throughout my life, intermittent memories and disjointed visions came to mind, confirming that I had seen and had been in the company of little people (greys), not of this world. They looked like little children in silver suits and stood about three to four feet tall (the same size as a child). Of the people who claim to have been abducted, the multitude have a resultant fear, anger, or disbelief, showing itself in nightmares, pre-sleep stress, insomnia, and anger, and sometimes even in psychological illness or paranoia.
My memory was given a huge wakeup call following the release of the book Communion way back in the 80s, and from that point onward, the flood gates to some of my past memories began to surface from many years before, and many questions I had never asked began to become more important to me. The book Communion cannot be blamed for dreaming my experiences up, nor for me imagining that I was experiencing the same things as Whitley Streiber claimed within his book from his abductions. Mine were nothing like his. Strieber's abductions began from adulthood, so he believes, and affected him badly, whereas mine began from infancy (nine months of age). Maybe this is why I was not so fearful, due to growing up with them.
I had become acclimatized subconsciously to them, in the absence of fear, understanding their silent language and apparently loving them enough to want to remain with them instead of returning home to be with my own family here on earth. Force was not necessary with a child who responded well to them.
Adult abductees are right out of their comfort zones, suddenly being in a place they don't recognize, being transported in a way that is picture perfect out of a nightmare, rendering them paralyzed yet open-eyed and awake to see and experience their surroundings while being unable to move. This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. No doubt fearfulness in the extreme would grasp any victim of such an event, offering nothing but snippets of memory that result in dreams, because nothing like this could possibly happen in reality.
Any amount of attempts by aliens to communicate with humans by telepathic means (their only means of communication) amidst fear are usually not recognised. Things like our inner chatter, screaming, demands to be let go, and struggling and fighting to gain freedom all go to block the chances of incoming telepathic communication, rendering a non-established link. With this in mind, these little grey aliens appear to be silent, emotionless, cruel, and non-caring individuals who only want to hurt and inflict injury—which, of course, is untrue. We have heard the odd, scary testimonials from the public, but sadly, very seldom do we hear reports of friendship, kindness, and a reluctance to want to return home. Usually a complete denial exists from our governments and armed forces, offering the world a whitewashed excuse that aliens do not exist and anyone stating they have seen them is lying, imagining things, or needs incarcerating (which has been done). Even today, the USA is telling us there is no one out there in our big, vast universe but us, otherwise they would know about it. The thing is, they do know about it.
Our age is as irrelevant to them as time is; it makes no difference. Where education and explanations are concerned, even a small child can receive uncontaminated incoming information with education far exceeding normal scholarly standards. Their teaching of knowledge is not linear, as ours is, with sentence after sentence and word after word so that only some of the intended knowledge is imparted, received, heard, and understood with a mind and memory that have to collate it all together to make sense of it. Telepathy is a holistic thought process, allowing no misconstrued messages or mistakes; they are words, visions, feelings, thoughts—a complete and utter, all-encompassing knowledge, without misperceptions. This is transferred to the recipient, offering the same incoming messages as scientists would seek out following their graduating degrees, diplomas, and scholarly achievements. Infants and children have the same incoming data as adults. The concept of this is so out of human concept that it is difficult to explain. When mind communicates with mind, there is a 100 percent non-fail communication with no room for mistakes of any kind.
Now, when I look into the night sky, a part of me remembers how it used to be, but can't work out the why or how. The star patterns, planetary positions, and pathways travelled are no longer clear. When ETs are in our skies, I can sense their presence—that could be put down to me picking up their telepathy. Nothing takes away the intense attraction to the night sky and the longing to see movement or proof that someone is out there.
I have been the recipient of invasive sampling and insertions of physical and ethereal implants. These can be from nearly any part of the body—for example, the nose, mouth, vagina, rectum, ear, and skin, along with implantation areas into bone, behind the eye, the brain, the ear, nose and skin. Some implants are automatically rejected at certain times, like a battery winding down and no longer working, or they are autolyzed by the body; some have to be removed at future visits, and some are replaced.
I have to admit, only on one occasion did I awake in severe pain, but I shall go into that later in the book. At all other times, there was no hint of discomfort or memory. Such things that a baby or child cannot consent to baffled me as I got older, because consent is a given, universal understanding (something I feel to be true). This consent had to have been obtained prior to my birth—which I found out later began many lifetimes ago.
While living, all memories prior to our births evade us, and most contracts with them are agreed upon prior to birth and continue each time we are born, giving permission for a lifetime of abductions. Due to lack of memory, we imagine they are doing something to us we haven't agreed upon—but we have; we just don't remember it.
Upon waking, each time I was taken, it was as if I had simply woken from my night's sleep, with the memory of each abduction being erased to the point of absolute ignorance—although on occasion, I was left with marks or bruising on various areas of my body, some of which are still evident today, proving that my sleep times were not altogether spent in slumber. Something had to have occurred that I didn't understand or believe. In most cases, I was oblivious to how those marks got there. My parents were certainly ignorant to the fact that abductions went on, let alone to their own daughter. If I would have questioned them on the idea of UFOs or aliens, I would have been adopted out in disgust or given away to the orphanage down the road (a common threat if I misbehaved). Not even the medical profession was able to explain away how the marks arrived on my leg from my stay in hospital.
What puzzles me now is that I didn't seem to question or worry about any of it at all as I was growing up. I accepted the explanation my parent gave me—that it was caused by injections from my stay in hospital as a baby. It is only in latter years I remembered how this mark got to be there, as scene by scene played out, until the realization came that this mark was made during an alien encounter. This answered all my questions regarding the ominous marks on my leg.
My parents gave me an explanation that kept my inquisitive mind from investigating until later in life, when I became a nurse. I then realised that the explanation I swallowed was utter rubbish. This is when my search began.
When the book Communion was released back in the 1980s, I'd never heard of Whitley Streiber. There has always been an internalized instinct—a feeling that UFOs were a reality out there in the cosmos. Even as a small child, I believed there would have to be. If UFOs had been seen and reported by so many people worldwide, then there had to be a whom or a what to fly them. I had a very strong faith (in the absence of any proof) that they existed, regardless of what the multitudes believed or what any government professed to say (propaganda) or explain away. I knew—and that, to me, was rock solid. Sometimes we have to be true to ourselves, regardless of what others may say or believe.
We, the human race, are children, overstepping the boundaries of caretaking a planet that we are fast destroying. Does mother nature take care of herself, or are there greater governing bodies that we don't know about?
Movies released over the last several decades are introducing us all to the idea of alien invasion, other planets, landings, and sightings, even to the point of earth's destruction or doomsday events. Some of these movies show us the possibility of life on other planets. Not all life is the same in looks, temperament, communication, and abilities.
I stopped myself writing on this subject several years ago, because the human race wasn't ready to hear what has been going on all around us for centuries. Who wants to believe or understand about other worldly beings, their crashes, their reasons for coming here, and our involvement—especially when the government and the paparazzi point the fingers at these victims with laughter, ridicule, disbelief, and horror? Who wants to appear crazy or insane to the rest of the world? And who has the courage—especially those with a professional, credible background—to take the chance of being discredited to the point of losing one's job, income, respect, and life, for that matter? Well, it seems I do. In most cases, an enforced loss of memory prevents the truth from being told.
I will be talking about the coincidences and chain of events that have lead me to believe that for whatever reason, I am being guided along a spiritual path. It may be to show others that forgiveness, kindness, empathy, and understanding are the way to go; it may be to touch people's lives gently and then move on. It may be to experience what I know to be the truth and allow others to learn by my openness about it, or simply to write this book to eradicate the fear that surrounds the terms UFO and aliens and allow some type of preparation for their eventual arrival. I have noticed that other abductees are beginning to meet up, talk about it, reveal their experiences, and—wonder of wonders—we all are realising that we all basically have similar stories, knowledge, and temperaments.
Chapter Two
Hospital Visit in New Zealand—Nine Months of Age
It all began when I was a mere babe in arms—only nine months old and not walking yet. For some time, I was progressively worsening, with a kidney problem that (even by today's standards) was a threat to my life. This illness originated from a common bacterial strain known as streptococcus (strep). What started out in the throat ended up by compromising the functioning ability of my kidneys, to the point of my coming very close to death.
Apparently, I was amongst a cluster of infants and young children affected with Nephritis in Auckland, New Zealand back in 1952.
It was in 1952 that Dr. Alice Bush explained to my parents, by showing them on a map, how a pattern was evolving over the Auckland metropolitan area of sick babies and children who were all inflicted with the same infection. We were all exhibiting signs of advanced kidney disease. It traversed an area from Mt. Albert to Manurewa, and some went out as far south as Pukekoe, Auckland, and New Zealand. The disease seemed to affect only children under the age of twelve years.
Another female infant from Mt. Albert (her parents owned a poultry farm) and I were the two youngest children affected in New Zealand. I was nine months old, and the other little girl was just two months older. My body apparently became very swollen, forcing my eyes to nearly completely close. My fingers could scarcely bend, my skin and eyes had turned yellow with jaundice (liver interference), and my kidneys ceased to function so that no urine was being passed, apart from the odd dribble.
My mother confided to me later in my life that she thought she was doing a wonderful job with my potty training, because my nappy was mostly dry, and when I was held out over the potty, I obliged with a small trickle of urine. She felt a sense of pride that I was, in her opinion, nearly potty-trained at only nine months old. She failed to realize that I was retaining urine and swelling up like a blow-fish as the function of my kidneys went spiraling out of control with a gross strep infection.
Following a trip to the doctor, it became a matter of urgency to rush me to hospital immediately. The Auckland Hospital had a ward that was specifically being used for the insurgence of these young patients. On admission, my parents were advised there was a slim chance of my survival, as this condition was life-threatening. Doctor Alice Bush was the resident doctor in charge of this cluster epidemic at that time. (She is now deceased.)
My first abduction was in this hospital—yes, a hospital, of all places. My alien friends must have wanted me to live and do something with this life of mine, because my healing process was miraculous—far beyond the medical capabilities of the day. My health returned without future repercussions or even a hint that anything was ever wrong with my kidneys. Not only that, but my immune system rendered my blood worthy of bottling. My health for the rest of my life has been excellent. To this day, I have never had the need of a family doctor; I don't even have one.
During the time of my first visitation, the nurse had wheeled me in to the treatment room in my cot and left me unattended while she returned to the ward for something—possibly my notes. This was when the three aliens arrived, appearing out of nowhere, materializing through the wall, like something out of Star Trek.
A silent, well-organized procedure began to unfold. Two aliens secured me, while the third took the biopsy from my right outer thigh, using an instrument that looked a little like a retracting pen, with claws being revealed and then retracted as the button at the end of the pen was pressed. It was a little thicker than a pen, and it was made of a metallic-looking material. No blood was apparent, and the healing process began immediately, although it left a very large hole in my thigh that I still have today.
Excerpted from Alien Encounters by JUDY L. CLARKE Copyright © 2011 by Judy L. Clarke. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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