Alien Hitman

This prequel to the Euclidian series follows the exploits of Adar, an alien from the Ossuary System, hired as an elite assassin aboard the Euclidian resource ship Andrea. Adar was sent to retrieve, dead or alive, renegade aliens who started a gang war on their home planet and killed a group of law enforcement officers who chased after them. Adar uncovered that they had been stowed away aboard the Earth-bound Andrea and tracked them all the way to Chicago before the trail goes cold. While waiting for them to turn up, Adar fed his thirst for blood by taking on Chicago's most notorious mob family. Throughout his journey, Adar learned how Earthlings live and love and discovered his own need for love.

Alien Hitman

This prequel to the Euclidian series follows the exploits of Adar, an alien from the Ossuary System, hired as an elite assassin aboard the Euclidian resource ship Andrea. Adar was sent to retrieve, dead or alive, renegade aliens who started a gang war on their home planet and killed a group of law enforcement officers who chased after them. Adar uncovered that they had been stowed away aboard the Earth-bound Andrea and tracked them all the way to Chicago before the trail goes cold. While waiting for them to turn up, Adar fed his thirst for blood by taking on Chicago's most notorious mob family. Throughout his journey, Adar learned how Earthlings live and love and discovered his own need for love.

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This prequel to the Euclidian series follows the exploits of Adar, an alien from the Ossuary System, hired as an elite assassin aboard the Euclidian resource ship Andrea. Adar was sent to retrieve, dead or alive, renegade aliens who started a gang war on their home planet and killed a group of law enforcement officers who chased after them. Adar uncovered that they had been stowed away aboard the Earth-bound Andrea and tracked them all the way to Chicago before the trail goes cold. While waiting for them to turn up, Adar fed his thirst for blood by taking on Chicago's most notorious mob family. Throughout his journey, Adar learned how Earthlings live and love and discovered his own need for love.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780988643529
Publisher: Assertive Privacy
Publication date: 06/04/2017
Series: Euclidian , #1
Pages: 444
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 1.25(h) x 9.00(d)

About the Author

Jay Cannon grew up in Muskegon Heights, Michigan. He became hooked on science fiction when he used to run home from junior high school to catch the original episodes of Star Trek. He spent six years in the U.S. Navy working on the flight deck of aircraft carriers, which felt like being on a starship. After leaving the Navy he spent several years in the software industry. During that period he passed time reading science fiction books and watching science fiction movies. He eventually decided to stop writing programs and start writing books.
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