Table of Contents
Preface. (B.J. Avolio, W.L. Gardner, F.O. Walumbwa). Advancements to Authentic Leadership Development Theory. Veritable Authentic Leadership: Emergence, Functioning and Impacts. (A. Chan, S.T. Hannah, W.L. Gardner). Moral Leadership: Explicating the Moral Component of Authentic Leadership. (S.T. Hannah, P.B. Lester, G.R.Vogelgesang). Developing Transparent Relationships through Humor in the Authentic Leader-Follower Relationship. (L. Hughes). The Differential Effects of Socialized and Personalized Leadership on Group Social Capital. (P. Varella, M. Javidan, D. Waldman). Leader Political Skill and Authentic Leadership. (C. Douglas, G.R. Ferris, P.L. Perrewe). The Internal Theatre of the Authentic Leader: Integrating Cognitive, Affective, Conative and Spiritual Facets of Authentic Leadership. (K. Klenke). In Search of Authenticity: Spiritual Leadership Theory as a Source for Future Theory, Research, and Practice on Authentic Leadership. (L.W. (Jody) Fry, J.L. Whittington). Leadership Intervention Research. Where are We? The Status of Leadership Intervention Research: A Meta-analytic Summary. (R.J. Reichard, B.J. Avolio). Measuring Authentic Leadership. Authentic Leadership Measurement and Development: Challenges and Suggestions. (A. Chan). Perceptions of Authentic Leadership: Exploratory Studies. Leader Authenticity Markers: Findings from a Study of Perceptions of African-American Political Leaders. (T.L. Pittinsky, C.J. Tyson). Follower Emotional Reactions to Authentic and Inauthentic Leadership Influence. (M.T. Dasborough, N.M. Ashkanasy). Moving Forward. Resiliency Development of Organizations, Leaders and Employees: Multi-Level Theory Building for Sustained Performance. (C.M. Youssef, F. Luthans). Authentic Leadership in In Extremis Settings: A Concept for Extraordinary Leaders in Exceptional Situations. (T.A. Kolditz, D.M. Brazil). Authentic Development: Leadership Development Level and Executive Effectiveness. (K.M. Eigel, K.W. Kuhnert). Authentic Leadership Development: Emergent Themes and Future Directions. (W.L. Gardner, B.J. Avolio, F.O. Walumbwa).