Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation
A life interrupted by destiny! Antonio Valor's world...once commonplace and unsure...becomes clear and focused as he rises from the darkening depths of fear and doubt to the blinding illumination of understanding and strength. Brotherman: Revelation...the first installment of the inception of Big City's mysterious purveyor of hope...of justice. The long awaited origin to ignite the senses and strike the imagination. A story that reaches back through the generations to set the foundation for the future. Anyabwile, Sims, and McGee deliver the dynamic first part of a hero's saga...bursting with action, suspense, pain, and triumph. The wait is over! The revelation is revealed.
Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation
A life interrupted by destiny! Antonio Valor's world...once commonplace and unsure...becomes clear and focused as he rises from the darkening depths of fear and doubt to the blinding illumination of understanding and strength. Brotherman: Revelation...the first installment of the inception of Big City's mysterious purveyor of hope...of justice. The long awaited origin to ignite the senses and strike the imagination. A story that reaches back through the generations to set the foundation for the future. Anyabwile, Sims, and McGee deliver the dynamic first part of a hero's saga...bursting with action, suspense, pain, and triumph. The wait is over! The revelation is revealed.
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Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation

Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation

Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation

Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline: Revelation


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A life interrupted by destiny! Antonio Valor's world...once commonplace and unsure...becomes clear and focused as he rises from the darkening depths of fear and doubt to the blinding illumination of understanding and strength. Brotherman: Revelation...the first installment of the inception of Big City's mysterious purveyor of hope...of justice. The long awaited origin to ignite the senses and strike the imagination. A story that reaches back through the generations to set the foundation for the future. Anyabwile, Sims, and McGee deliver the dynamic first part of a hero's saga...bursting with action, suspense, pain, and triumph. The wait is over! The revelation is revealed.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780989281942
Publisher: BookBaby
Publication date: 04/07/2016
Series: BOOK ONE Series , #1
Pages: 110
Product dimensions: 8.40(w) x 10.90(h) x 0.40(d)

About the Author

Guy A. Sims is the principle writer for the Brotherman series. He is also the author of The Cold Hard Cases of Duke Denim and the critically acclaimed novel, Living Just A Little. Guy has recently written the adaptation for MONSTER: The Graphic Novel by Walter Dean Myers which is published by Harper Collins Publishing.
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