Brad Harrington: Brad is the executive director of the Boston College Center for Work & Family (CWF) and a research professor of organization studies in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. CWF is a national leader in helping organizations create effective workplaces that support and develop healthy and productive employees. The center provides a bridge linking the academic community to the some of the world’s most progressive companies in the human resource arena.
Before coming to Boston College, Brad spent 20 years with HewlettPackard Company, working in a broad range of executive and management positions in quality improvement, human resources, education, management development, and organization development in the United States and Europe. His roles included chief quality officer for HP’s worldwide medical products business and head of HP’s management and organization development organization. Brad holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Stonehill College, a master’s degree in psychology from Boston College, and a doctorate in human resource development and organization development from Boston University. Brad has consulted with many corporations and healthcare organizations on strategic planning, cultural change, leadership development, career management, and work–life systems. In 2006, Brad was honored as one of the Ten Most Influential Men in the Work–Life Field.
Brad is married to Dr. Annie Soisson, and they have three children: Maggie, Hannah, and Dillon. Brad and his family reside in Winchester, Massachusetts.
Douglas T. Hall: Tim is the director of the Executive Development Roundtable and the Morton H. and Charlotte Friedman Professor of Management in the School of Management at Boston University. He is also faculty director of the MBA program. He has served as acting dean and associate dean of faculty development and faculty director for the master’s programs at the School of Management. He received his graduate degrees from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He has held faculty positions at Yale, York, Michigan State, and Northwestern universities and visiting positions at Columbia, Minnesota, and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Tim’s books include Careers In and Out of Organizations, The Career Is Dead—Long Live the Career: A Relational Approach to Careers, Careers in Organizations, Organizational Climates and Careers, The Two-Career Couple, Experiences in Management and Organizational Behavior, Career Development in Organizations, Human Resource Management: Strategy Design and Implementation, and Handbook of Career Theory. He is a recipient of the American Psychological Association’s James McKeen Cattell Award (now called the Ghiselli Award) for research design, the American Society for Training and Development’s Walter Storey Professional Practice Award, and the Academy of Management’s Everett C. Hughes Award for Career Research. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the Academy of Management, where he served as a member of the Board of Governors and as president of the Organizational Behavior Division and co-founder and president of the Careers Division.
Tim is married to Marcy Crary, and he has three children and five grandchildren.