Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach / Edition 4

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach / Edition 4

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Oxford University Press, USA
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Oxford University Press, USA
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach / Edition 4

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Developmental Approach / Edition 4


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This is a new edition of one of the standard international textbooks on child and adolescent mental health, with an up-to-date, evidence-based approach to practical clinical issues. Its comprehensive multidisciplinary perspective covers a vast range of topics, making it the essential text for all trainees in child and adolescent mental health.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780198526124
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publication date: 03/12/2007
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 592
Product dimensions: 9.60(w) x 6.70(h) x 1.40(d)

About the Author

Frank Verhulst is professor and director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His main research interest is in child psychiatric epidemiology, with a focus on longitudinal research. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. He is the author of over 200 peer reviewed articles, and (co-)author of several books written in Dutch or English.

Table of Contents

Introduction     01
Overview     01
Theories of development and its disorders     02
Family influences     13
Classification and prevalence of psychiatric disorders     18
Assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders     25
Psychological assessment     37
Familial influences     45
Familial roles and responsibilities     45
Physical abuse     46
Munchausen syndrome by proxy     51
Neglect     54
Emotional abuse     55
Sexual abuse     58
Outcome following child maltreatment     62
Neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric disorders     65
Motor development and disorders of movement     65
Normal language and speech development     72
Intelligence and learning disorders     89
Social development and antisocial behaviour     115
Attention and attention deficit hyperactivity (hyperkinetic) disorder     130
Pervasive developmental disorders     140
Sensory development     151
Chromosomal abnormalities     158
Disorders of the central nervous system and muscle     169
Metabolic disorders:neurodevelopmental aspects     188
Developmental psychopathology     191
Pregnancy and delivery     191
Attachment and attachment disorders     195
Feeding, feeding problems, and disorders of growth     201
Sleep and its disorders     216
Emotional development and disorders of mood     221
Bowel and bladder control     247
Prepubertal sexual development     259
Adolescence and psychiatric disorders often beginning in adolescence     265
Adolescence     265
Sexual development in adolescence     267
Early pregnancy     270
Anorexia nervosa     271
Adult-type psychiatric disorders     278
Psychoses     293
Drug use and abuse     302
Personality disorders     311
Child-adult continuities in psychiatric disorders     313
Introduction and definitions     313
Findings     314
Psychosocial aspects of physical disorders     317
Links between psychological factors and chronic physical disease     317
Prevalence of chronic disorders     318
The child with a physical disorder     319
Impact on parents      322
Impact on the siblings     327
Principles of psychosocial management     327
Hospitalization     333
Care of the child with a terminal illness     337
Psychological aspects of specific physical conditions     341
Perinatal loss     341
Sudden infant death syndrome (cot death)     342
Injuries to children     344
Infections and immunodeficiency disorders     350
Physical malformations     358
Metabolic and endocrine disorders: psychosocial aspects     361
Blood disorders     368
Leukaemia and other childhood cancers     372
Respiratory disorders     376
Genitourinary disorders     384
Gastrointestinal disorders     387
Congenital heart disease     389
Skin disorders     392
Juvenile chronic arthritis     395
Prevention and treatment     397
Preventive approaches     397
Treatment     405
Services     459
The estimation of service needs     459
Health services for children with mental health problems     459
Social services and child protection     470
School influences and special education     483
References     489
Index     551
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